Recent updates to the Transportation and Parking regulations will be noted in red font for your convenience.

General Information
License Plate Recognition (LPR)
License Plate Requirements

Where to Purchase a Permit
Cost/Type of Parking Permits

Types of Parking Permits

Violation, Penalties, and Payment of Fines
Immobilizing/Towing of Vehicles
Snow Emergency

Vehicle Parking and Traffic Regulations Inside the Garage

Requirements for Parking in the Garage
Procedure for Entering and Exiting the Garage
Emergency Evacuation of Law School

Safety Precautions


The parking regulations outlined herein facilitate traffic flow, protect pedestrians and bicyclists, permit access for emergency vehicles, and provide parking spaces as readily and equitably as possible for students, faculty, staff, guests and other visitors to the University. These regulations apply to all persons operating a motor vehicle on campus. For the most up-to-date information and policies, please visit

The President and Directors of The Catholic University of America, its agents and employees hereby disclaim responsibility, expressed or implied, to protect against theft or damage to vehicles or their contents. Parking on University property is done at the driver/owner's own risk. The Office of Transportation and Parking Services is responsible for administering the provisions of these regulations. The regulations prevail at all times, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Violation of the regulations may result in parking citations, immobilization or towing of your vehicle. The Department of Public Safety retains the ability to disallow any vehicles from campus, and to advise the Office of Transportation and Parking Services to refuse parking privileges on-campus to any person or vehicle. Any immediate threat to one's person, theft or damage to vehicles or their contents on-campus should be reported to the Department of Public Safety at (202) 319-5111.


General Information

Permits are required to park at The Catholic University of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Permit types are used to designate parking locations on campus. For the most up-to-date parking information, please visit Students, faculty, and staff may purchase either a surface parking permit or a garage permit. Residential students with a vehicle on-campus must purchase a resident permit. Parking is available on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Individuals may purchase a virtual permit and register a vehicle, so long as they or a family member are the registered vehicle owner. The Office of Transportation and Parking Services reserves the right to request and/or look-up vehicle registration information. A maximum of three vehicles may be registered per owner/operator and complete vehicle information must be submitted in order for the vehicle to be recognized as an alternate. If an owner/operator registers more than one vehicle, only one vehicle may be parked on campus at the same time. All permits are non-transferable and can only be used by the individual who purchased it. Permit privileges may be revoked for any individuals found sharing permits. Parking overnight is prohibited unless a corresponding overnight permit is purchased. Only vehicles with a valid residential or overnight parking permit from The Catholic University of America are allowed to park on campus 24 hours a day.

Per University policy, resident freshmen and sophomores are not allowed to purchase parking permits nor bring vehicles to campus.

License Plate Recognition (LPR)

License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a parking technology that provides virtual permits through a vehicle’s license plate instead of paper permits or plastic hangtags. The University uses an LPR-based parking system for permitting and enforcing all vehicles parked on campus. LPR increases parking efficiency on campus, provides convenience for the parking customer, enhances safety on campus, and reduces the amount of paper and plastic waste produced.

License Plate Requirements 

If your vehicle is registered in the District of Columbia, State of Maryland, State of Virginia, and many others, the legal requirement is for two plates to be displayed, one in the front and one in the rear of the vehicle. If you have a rear-facing plate only, please park front-in so that parking enforcement can see your registered license plate. Failure to park front-in will result in a citation.

Motorcycles, mopeds, trailers, etc., which are legally exempt from displaying a front-plate are required to be registered with the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. The LPR-based system will read motorcycle license plates in the same manner as vehicle license plates.

Trailers, recreational vehicles (RVs), camper vans, etc. are prohibited from parking on campus without advance, written approval from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. Please note that sleeping in vehicles is also a violation of University policy.

Decorative license plate covers should not impede the ability of the LPR-based system to read a license plate. As long as your plates are legal for driving, the system will be able to read them. Bike racks, trailer hitches, or other objects and devices should not be installed so as to block or conceal a license plate. Concealment of a license plate will result in a citation.

Temporary license plates are not recognized by LPR technology. If a vehicle does not have a permanent license plate upon registration for a University parking permit, register the last 7-digits of your vehicle’s VIN number in place of the license plate number. Once the DMV-issued license plates are affixed to the vehicle, the license plate will require updating through the online parking account. Failure to add the new vehicle license plate information may result in a citation.

Loaner vehicles and rental cars are required to be permitted whenever parked on campus. Citations issued to rental cars are submitted to the rental company’s collections agency.

Where to Purchase a Permit

Parking permits should be purchased from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services located in Pryzbyla Center 242, or online at Normal business hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Special weekend hours will be posted online.

Cost/Type of Parking Permits

Permits vary in price according to the type of permit and date of expiration. Information on the cost of permits may be obtained by contacting the Office of Transportation and Parking Services at 202-552- PARK (7275) or by visiting

Types of Parking Permits

There are five classifications of persons eligible to obtain parking permits on-campus. These classifications include: Resident, Commuting Student, Faculty, Staff, and Visitor.

For purposes of these regulations, the term Faculty includes all full-time members of the academic community so defined by the University (deans, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, professional librarians). Those who are neither faculty nor registered students are termed Staff. Residents are members of the faculty, staff, or student body who reside on premises owned or leased by the University and located within the main campus boundaries. Full-time or part-time students who are not residents on campus are Commuting Students. Should you have any questions regarding these classifications, please contact the Office of Parking and Transportation Services.

The various classifications listed above qualify eligible on-campus parkers for different types of parking permits. The different types of parking permits include:

General Surface

General parking permits should be purchased by commuting students. They entitle the holder to park in any available parking space on campus, except in areas limited to faculty/staff or residents and in restricted parking spaces which are marked "Reserved."


The University garage provides indoor parking for students, faculty, and staff on a "first-come, first-served" basis. The garage is open for use from 6:45 a.m. until midnight, Monday through Friday; Saturday and Sunday, 8:30 a.m. until midnight; closed Thanksgiving, Christmas break, and July 4. Residents will have 24-hour-a-day access to the garage during the academic year, excluding Christmas break. Vehicles with active Garage Resident parking permits must park on the lower level of the University garage.

Any request for special use of the garage must be submitted in writing to the Office of Transportation and Parking Services at at least five days in advance of the activity, excluding Saturday, Sunday, and University holidays.


Faculty/Staff parking permits may be purchased by full-time faculty, full-time staff, deans, and professional librarians. These permits entitle the holder to the same privileges as the general parking permit and also to limited faculty/staff areas on campus.


Evening parking permits may be purchased by individuals who attend classes in the evening. This permit entitles the holder to the same privileges as the general parking permit, but is restricted to the hours between 5 p.m. and midnight (surface), 4 p.m. and midnight (garage), Monday through Friday, when the University is in session. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, it allows the same privileges as the general parking permit.


Resident parking permits may be purchased only by resident students. This permit entitles the holder to park in residential areas at all times. Only residents of Gibbons, Caldwell and Seton Halls are permitted to park in general surface parking due to the location and available surface parking at these buildings. Residents of Millennium North and Millennium South are required to purchase garage resident permits.

Handicapped Parking

Handicapped parking is available throughout the University campus. Vehicles displaying valid state, or District of Columbia, issued handicapped license tags and/or window placards identifying the driver or passenger as handicapped will be authorized to park in designated handicapped spaces.

  • A valid Catholic University parking permit must be active in conjunction with the state, or District of Columbia, issued handicapped license tags or hanging placard.
  • Fraudulent use of handicap placards or vehicle tags is prohibited.
  • DAV (Disabled American Veteran) tags will not be recognized for this purpose.

The Office of Transportation and Parking Services may not under any circumstance issue temporary on-campus handicapped permits.

Vehicles displaying state-issued handicapped tags or placards are exempt from meter fees.

Maternity Parking

An expectant mother holding a valid Catholic University parking permit may park in convenient spots designated by signage for use by pregnant women. Please contact Transportation and Parking Services at to register for use of the maternity parking spaces during your pregnancy.

Visitor Parking

Visitors may park in metered parking spaces or they may obtain a visitor's parking permit at

Department/School visitors (e.g., auditors, consultants, guest lecturers, etc.) may register for sponsored parking in preparation for their campus visit. An appointed representative from each department/school on campus must submit a Department/School Visitor Parking Form, available at, to register a visitor. Faculty, staff, and students are not considered visitors and shall not be issued departmental visitor parking passes by any University department or park in any visitor parking spaces. Fraudulent use of visitor permits is prohibited.

Resident Student Guests

Resident student guest permits are available at They are issued to the resident after he/she makes proper identification and provides the required information on the guest's vehicle.


Contractors may purchase special parking permits for use when they are working on campus. On-campus contract employees may purchase parking passes with restricted provisions.

Metered Parking

Metered spaces are provided for campus visitors and used during the period indicated on the receipt from the parking pay station or the Flowbird mobile parking app. Parking pay stations are located in front of Mullen Library and along the University Mall parking area, where metered spaces are also available. These spaces are meter-only from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday, including holidays. Outside these hours, anyone with an active University parking permit may park in metered spaces at no charge. Vehicles with state-issued handicapped tags or placards are exempt from meter fees. Malfunctioning meters should be reported immediately to the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. Parking in a space with a defective meter is prohibited.

Violation, Penalties, and Payment of Fines

The Department of Public Safety and the Office of Transportation and Parking Services assess fines for violations of parking and traffic regulations. License Plate Recognition (LPR) hardware and software is utilized for vehicle parking and access control. Electronic citations may be issued for violating University parking rules. All fines are payable at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. Violations must be paid in full within 10 calendar days of the date of issue.

Individuals will be unable to purchase a new parking permit until all open citations are paid. All violations must be paid prior to one's last day at the University. Payments for fines can be made using cash or credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard). Checks are not accepted for immobilized vehicles.


The Traffic Appeals Board is organized with representation from the University community. The Executive Director and Director of Transportation and Parking Services are responsible for the administration of the board. Violations may be appealed within 10 calendar days of the date of issue.

Immobilizing/Towing of Vehicles

The Department of Transportation and Parking Services immobilizes vehicles upon sight that have accumulated three or more violations. If the sum total of parking violations issued to multiple vehicles owned or operated by the same individual equals three or more, the first vehicle seen may be immobilized. Vehicles may also be immobilized for displaying a counterfeit, stolen, altered, lost, or revoked permit. Immobilized vehicles will not be released until the owner/operator pays all fines and fees associated with the vehicle at the Office of Transportation and Parking Services during normal business hours. Vehicles immobilized after hours or on weekends may not be released until all fines and fees are paid on the following business day. Vehicle owners/operators can pay in the form of cash, credit card, or debit card. All major credit cards are accepted. Vehicles immobilized in excess of 72 hours may be towed at the owner's expense if the owner fails to pay violations that are due. Vehicles causing hazardous conditions, parked in violation of signs, or left for extended periods of time without permission will be towed. Vehicles immobilized in a parking lot, space or area scheduled to be closed may be towed at the owner's expense prior to 72 hours. Towing fees are determined by University-negotiated contracts with private towing firms.

Vehicle owners/operators may request a summary of the violations assigned to their vehicle by contacting the Office of Transportation and Parking Services at 202-552-PARK (7275), or via email at

Snow Emergency

A snow emergency route has been established for the campus. The snow emergency route will allow for the expeditious removal of snow and ice, and subsequent treating of roadways and parking areas throughout the campus. The snow emergency route is designated in red on the campus map, available at All vehicles are prohibited from parking along the snow emergency route during a snow emergency. A snow emergency on campus will be declared any time the District of Columbia government declares a snow emergency. Vehicles parked along a snow emergency route during a declared snow emergency will be fined $100 and will be subject to towing.

Vehicle Parking and Traffic Regulations Inside the Garage

Only duly registered vehicles with a residential or overnight parking permit for the garage are authorized to park overnight in the garage. No other vehicle is to be left in the garage overnight without express permission from the Office of Transportation and Parking Services. Vehicles in violation of this regulation will be ticketed. Vehicles parked in the garage without proper authority beyond 24 hours will be towed at the owner's expense.

The maximum speed limit for vehicles operating inside the garage is 5 miles per hour. Vehicles operated inside the garage must obey all University traffic and parking regulations at all times.

Where applicable, the University parking and traffic regulations for surface parking shall apply to the University garage. All vehicles are required to come to a complete stop upon approaching stop signs erected at the various intersecting driving lanes. The following conditions should be reported to DPS at 202-319-5111 or through the emergency phones located throughout the garage:

  • Any operator who collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, or fixed object inside the garage
  • Any vehicle that becomes disabled while inside the garage
  • Any oil, gasoline, or other slippery substance that is present on any of the surfaces of the garage

Requirements for Parking in the Garage

To park in the garage, a vehicle must be registered with the Office of Transportation and Parking Services and have an active residential or overnight parking permit. Vehicles bearing garage parking permits are prohibited from parking on the surface parking lots.

The following vehicles are authorized to park in the garage:

  • Full-size passenger vehicles
  • Mid-size and compact passenger vehicles
  • Passenger vans with a maximum height not exceeding 77 inches may enter and exit the top level of the garage through the main entrance. Under no circumstances is a van to be driven to the lower level of the garage.
  • Passenger vans that are equipped with handicapped lifts and do not exceed a maximum height of 92 inches may enter and exit the garage via the auxiliary entrance that is located to the immediate right as one approaches the main entrance to the garage. Signs are posted in the garage indicating where vans equipped with handicapped lifts must park. There are a very limited number of spaces available, however, that are able to accommodate vehicles between 77 inches and 92 inches in height. Surface parking in the areas outside of the garage is recommended for vehicles in this category. Under no circumstances shall vans equipped with handicapped lifts attempt to drive to the lower level of the garage. The height of the lower garage will not accommodate vans.

Procedure for Entering and Exiting the Garage

All vehicles, except vans as specified above, shall enter the garage through the main entrance, which is at the end of the road on the south side of the law school. The operator shall drive the vehicle to the pedestal equipped with a card reader. When the Cardinal Card is presented, the overhead door or traffic control arm, depending on the time of day, will rise and the operator shall enter the garage.

Vans with a height of 92 inches or less shall enter and exit the garage via the auxiliary entrance located to the immediate right as one approaches the main entrance. All vehicles more than 92 inches in height must utilize available surface parking in the areas outside of the garage.

Emergency Evacuation of Law School

During an emergency evacuation of the building, no attempt shall be made to drive a vehicle from the garage. Should you exit the building via the garage, go to the nearest stair tower and proceed to the outside to the designated assembly area. During fire and other emergency building evacuation, do not use the elevator.

Safety Precautions

Use emergency telephones located throughout the campus or call 202-319-5111 to report any crime or suspicious activity to DPS immediately.

  • Use of an anti-theft device such as a club lock is recommended.

Changes in these regulations will not be enforced until thirty (30) days after such change(s) have been published on the Office of Transportation and Parking Services website at

Revised January 2025
The Catholic University of America
Office of Transportation and Parking Services
Division of Student Affairs