Accessible parking is available throughout campus and in the University garage.

Parking With a University Permit and Disability Placard

A valid Catholic University parking permit must be displayed in conjunction with the state, or District of Columbia, issued handicapped license tags or hanging placard. Vehicles displaying both valid state, or District of Columbia, issued handicapped license tags or a hanging placard identifying the driver or passenger as handicapped and an active Catholic University parking permit are authorized to park in designated handicapped spaces. This restriction is lifted during Commencement exercises.

Parking With a Disability Placard Only (Without a University Permit)

The following parking options are available for individuals who display a valid disability placard only:

  • Purchase a parking permit;
  • Park at the metered parking on campus. You are exempt from paying the meter stations.

Fraudulent use of handicapped placards or vehicle tags is strictly prohibited. Transportation and Parking Services may not under any circumstance issue temporary on campus handicapped permits.

Visitor Parking For Guests With Disabilities

Visitors and vehicles displaying state, or District of Columbia, issued disabled parking identification may park in designated visitor spaces, including those that are ADA accessible with a valid CUA parking permit, and metered parking on campus without a parking permit.

Passenger vans that are equipped with handicapped lifts and do not exceed a maximum height of 92 inches may enter and exit the garage via the auxiliary entrance that is located to the immediate right as one approaches the main entrance to the garage. Signs are posted in the garage indicating where vans equipped with handicapped lifts must park. There are a very limited number of spaces available, however, that are able to accommodate vehicles between 77 inches and 92 inches in height. Surface parking in the areas outside of the garage is recommended for vehicles in this category. Under no circumstances shall vans equipped with handicapped lifts attempt to drive to the lower level of the garage. The height of the lower garage will not accommodate vans.

Additional Needs

If you are coming to campus for a special event and the existing visitor parking does not meet your needs, please contact the event coordinator to determine if additional arrangements have been made for disabled access.